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Saguaro National Park – Rincon Mountain District

The ‘people’ cacti park. This was one of my bucket list parks. I love the Saguaro cactus. The first time I saw one in a visit to Arizona 5 years ago, I thought they really do look like people from a distance. These majestic cacti take a long time to grow. We visited the Saguaro East Rincon Mountain District. There is also a West Tucson Mountain District.

We got to see what the inside of a saguaro looks like from the inside. The spiny, wood like frame that holds the cactus upright.

By time we left the park, we learned the difference between the prickly pear cactus, barrel cactus, saguaro cactus. There are many more varieties. There are plenty of hiking trails of different ability levels.

The Mica View and the Desert Ecology Trail are a completely accessible for those will mobility issues. The Freeman Homestead Trail is one where I would take children. The are many points of interest on this trail along with activities for children to do. There is a covered picnic area near the Mica Trail where ate lunch. There are regular restrooms at the Visitor Center along with very clean gravity toilets within the park.

Some of the cacti seemed to have their own personality. Have you been to Saguaro? If so, what is your favorite memory?

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